
The Scandal of the Spirit of Jonah

 by Foundation Church Belfast

The book of Jonah ends with a cliff-hanger. The real reason for his running from God comes out and it’s not pretty.
Jonah appreciates and enjoys the mercy of God when it is directed towards him – and his people – but when God wants that mercy to ex…

How Repentance Works

 by Foundation Church Belfast

The city of Nineveh responded immediately to Jonah’s preaching – the message of God’s justice and mercy.
Repentance is a word frequently used in Christian spirituality, but what does it mean, and how do we actually DO repentance?
Main Text
Jonah …

True Repentance

 by David Varney

John Murphy from Frontline Church in Fayetteville, North Carolina preaches from Psalm 51.
Frontline Church and Foundation Church Belfast are part of the Advance Movement of Churches: a global partnership of churches that exist to plant and strengthen chu…