Equipping the Saints: Prophecy

We discuss the second catalytic gift given by Jesus as described in Ephesians 4:11-16.


In this sermon we ask:

  1. What is prophecy?
  2. How do prophetic gifts work in the church?
  3. How do we at Foundation Church receive prophetic ministry?


As a church, our vision is to catalyse the gospel transformation of our city and nation through resourcing, renewal and replication. Read more here.



Ephesians 4:11-16



David Varney, Pastor Foundation Church Belfast



Every Sunday 10:30am – 2d Knockwood Crescent, Belfast, BT5 6GE



We are part of the Advance Movement of churches and the wider Newfrontiers family.

The Advance Movement Ireland Conference is coming soon: a day of teaching, worship, vision and prayer for the advance of the gospel in Ireland.

Our main speakers are Terry Virgo (Founder of Newfrontiers) and Clive Bowsher (Provost and lecturer Union School of Theology) and hosted by local Advance NI church leaders.

Book tickets now!