1. Preamble
We, the people of God who are members of Foundation Church Belfast – united to worship God and to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ – adopt this constitution as our principle article of governance for the glory of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, in submission to the Holy Bible as articulated in the standards set forth in the Statement of Faith and Covenant of this church.
2. Name
The name of this church is Foundation Church Belfast.
3. Purpose
This church exists by the grace of God and for the glory of God, which shall be the ultimate purpose of all its activity. This church glorifies God by loving him and obeying his commandments through:
3.1. Worshipping him;
3.2. Equipping the saints through Bible instruction and study;
3.3. Proclaiming the gospel of Jesus Christ through preaching and personal evangelism, and any other means consistent with the teaching of Holy Scripture;
3.4. Encouraging, supporting and participating in missions work locally, domestically and internationally;
3.5. Administering the sacraments of baptism and the Lord’s Supper;
3.6. Encouraging biblical fellowship among believers;
3.7. Serving other individuals, families and churches by providing for physical, emotional, and spiritual needs, in the name of Jesus Christ.
4. Church Membership
4.1 Qualifications
4.1.1. Members of this church shall be believers in Jesus Christ who give credible evidence of their regeneration;
4.1.2. Who have been baptised in obedience to Christ, subsequent to their regeneration;
4.1.3. Who hold without mental reservation the doctrines of the church as expressed in the Statement of Faith; and
4.1.4. Who promise to keep the commitments expressed in the Church Covenant.
4.1.5. Elders shall be responsible for determining each person’s qualification for membership and may rely on a person’s profession of faith, or other such evidence, as the elders deem appropriate.
4.2. Admission to Membership
4.2.1. To be admitted into church membership, applicants shall be recommended by the elders for admission and accepted by a vote of at least two-thirds (67%) of the members present and voting on the question at any members’ meeting.
4.2.2. At the point of admission, new members will relinquish their membership of any other church.
4.3. Duties and privileges of membership
4.3.1. In accordance with the commitments laid out in the Church Covenant, each member shall be privileged and expected to participate in the ministry and life of the church, consistent with God’s leading and with the gifts and resources each has received from Him, and in particular
4.3.2. By regularly attending corporate worship on the Lord’s Day;
4.3.3. By faithfully observing the sacraments of Baptism and Lord’s Supper;
4.3.4. By attending members’ meetings;
4.3.5. By voting on the election of officers, on decisions regarding membership, and on all other matters submitted to the congregation’s vote.
4.3.6. Only those who are members of the church shall be entitled to serve in the ministries of this church; non-members may serve on an ad-hoc basis upon the approval of the elders.
4.4. Church Discipline
4.4.1. The church shall have authority to exercise discipline over its members when any member is consistently neglectful of their duties enumerated in 4.1.1, 4.1.3 and 4.1.4, or guilty of conduct by which the name of our Lord Jesus Christ may be dishonoured and so opposing the welfare of the church.
4.4.2. Church discipline shall be only be contemplated when individual, private admonition has failed, and may include admonition from the elders, suspension from Lord’s Supper for a defined period, removal from office, and removal from membership (see Matthew 18:15-17; 2 Thessalonians 3:14-15; 1 Timothy 5:19-20; 1 Corinthians 5:4-5).
4.4.3. The purpose of church discipline should be for the repentance, reconciliation and spiritual growth of the individual disciplined;
4.4.4. For the instruction in righteousness and the good of other Christians, as an example to them;
4.4.5. For the purity of the church as a whole;
4.4.6. For the good of our corporate witness to non-Christians;
4.4.7. Supremely for the glory of God by reflecting his holy character.
4.5. Termination of Membership
4.5.1. The church shall recognise the termination of a person’s membership following their death, and may do so following their voluntary resignation or joining with another church.
4.5.2. The church shall have authority to refuse a member’s voluntary resignation or transfer of membership to another church, either for the purpose of proceeding with a process of church discipline, or for any other reason the church deems prudent.
5. Church Meetings
5.1. Public Worship Meetings
5.1.1. The church shall meet together for public worship each Lord’s Day (Sunday), and at other times throughout the week as the church determines.
5.2. Members’ Meetings
5.2.1. There shall be a regular members’ meeting twice a year at a time separate from the public worship service.
5.2.2. The date, time and location of a regular members’ meeting shall be announced at least three weeks in advance of the proposed meeting by verbal, written or electronic forms.
5.2.3. Special members’ meetings may be called as required by the elders, or at the written request, submitted to the elders, of ten percent of the membership. In the event of a written request, elders will call a special meeting to be held within thirty days of their receipt of the request. A special members’ meeting shall be announced as in 5.2.2 unless the meeting is deemed urgent by the elders.
5.2.4. An elder designated by the council of elders shall preside as the moderator of all members’ meetings.
Members’ meetings shall be convened:
5.2.5. To elect officers;
5.2.6. To receive applicants into church membership;
5.2.7. To exercise church discipline;
5.2.8. To approve, once per year, the church budget;
5.2.9. To hear reports from the elders and other ministries within the church as deemed necessary;
5.2.10. To take any other action as deemed necessary.
5.2.11. Unless otherwise stipulated in this constitution, a vote of sixty-seven percent (67%) of the members present and voting is necessary for the affirmation and approval of the motions listed 5.2.5 to 5.2.10.
5.2.12. Members present at any members’ meeting shall constitute a quorum, providing all constitutional requirements have been met.
6. Government
The biblical offices in the church are Elders and Deacons, but final earthly authority is invested in the assembled congregation (‘the membership’).
6.1. Elders
6.1.1. Elders shall be men (1 Timothy 2:12, 3:1-7) and members of the church who satisfy the qualifications for the office of elder presented in 1 Timothy 3:1-7, Titus 1:6-9 and 1 Peter 5:1-4. They are to be a positive examples to the church and have lives that inspire trust and confidence from church members.
6.1.2. Elders are responsible to provide spiritual oversight for the church following the teaching laid down in the Scriptures, principally through the ministry the Word of God and prayer (Acts 6:1-6; 1 Timothy 3:1-7; Titus 1:5-9; James 5:14 and 1 Peter 5:1-4).
6.1.3. Elders shall also have particular authority to oversee the sacraments of Baptism and Lord’s Supper;
6.1.4. To plan and oversee worship services;
6.1.5. To examine and instruct prospective members;
6.1.6. To oversee the process of church discipline;
6.1.7. To examine and recommend candidates for all offices and positions;
6.1.8. To oversee the work of the Diaconate and all other ministries of the church;
6.1.9. To hire, oversee and evaluate the performance of, and if necessary terminate paid church staff;
6.1.10. To take any other action which shall be necessary and proper for faithfully overseeing and shepherding the church.
6.1.11. The elders may establish ministry positions or committees to assist them in fulfilling their responsibilities. Elders may also propose funding for new paid staff positions. The membership shall approve all candidates to fill the position of senior and associate pastor.
6.1.12. With the exception of staff elders, elders shall be reaffirmed by church vote every three years and may serve a maximum of two consecutive three-year terms. They shall not be eligible for re-election for one year following completion of their second term.
6.1.13. The Council of Elders shall present to the church a list of nominees to the office of elder at least four weeks prior to a regular members’ meeting. During this time the church shall consider whether the nominees are fit for office on the basis of the qualifications listed in 6.1.1.
6.1.14. Members may make recommendations for the office of elder at any point for due consideration by the elders. The elders shall solicit recommendations at least once a year at a regular members’ meeting.
6.1.15. If any member has reason to believe a nominated candidate is unqualified for office, the member should express their concerns to the elders as far in advance as possible, who may on the basis of that advice remove names from the list of nominations. No name shall be added to the list of nominees that was not included on the original list.
6.1.16. When the period of four weeks has elapsed, the elders shall present the final nominees to the church at the regular members’ meeting. Any nominee having the approval of at least seventy-five percent (75%) of the members present and voting shall be an elder.
6.1.17. An elder may be removed from office upon the vote of sixty-seven percent (67%) of the members present and voting on the question at any members’ meeting. Any such action shall be done in accordance with the teaching of the Lord Jesus (Matthew 18:15-17) and the Apostle Paul (1 Timothy 5:17-21).
6.2. Senior Pastor
6.2.1. Primary responsibility for preaching and teaching the Scriptures in public meetings of the church, and for providing visionary leadership to the elders and church, may be vested in a teaching elder, otherwise known as the senior pastor or lead pastor.
6.2.2. He shall not be subject to the triennial affirmation or term limitation set out in 6.1.12.
6.2.3. The senior pastor shall be a member of the church and an elder. In terms of formal authority, there shall be no distinction between an elder and the teaching elder.
6.2.4. The senior pastor is called to this position following the same basic process of selection of an elder. In addition the church must be given adequate opportunity to assess the preaching gifts of any potential senior pastor, of a period of at least two weeks.
6.2.5. When the period of at least two weeks has elapsed, the elders will present the nominee to senior pastor to the church at the next members’ meeting. If the nominee receives the approval of at least three-quarters of the members present and voting on the question, he shall be a member of the church, and elder (if he is not already) and the senior pastor, whom the church shall publicly recognise as such as soon as possible.
6.3. Associate Pastors
6.3.1. Other particular pastoral responsibilities may be vested in one or more staff elders, whose relationship to the senior pastor as that of associate.
6.3.2. An associate shall perform the duties of elder as described in 6.1.2-6.1.11.
6.3.3. He shall not be subject to the triennial affirmation or term limitation set out in 6.1.12.
6.3.4. He shall assist the senior pastor in the performance of his duties and any other duties as usually pertain to the office of pastor, or any which may be specifically assigned to him by the congregation.
6.3.5. In the absence or incapacity of the senior pastor, the associate pastor(s) shall assume responsibility for his duties under the oversight of the elders.
6.3.6. The associate pastor is called to this position following the same basic process of selection of an elder. In addition the church must be given adequate opportunity to assess the preaching gifts of any potential associate pastor, of a period of at least two weeks.
6.3.7. When the period of at least two weeks has elapsed, the elders will present the nominee to associate pastor to the church at the next members’ meeting. If the nominee receives the approval of at least three-quarters of the members present and voting on the question, he shall be a member of the church, and elder (if he is not already) and the associate pastor, whom the church shall publicly recognise as such as soon as possible.
6.4. Assistant Pastors
6.4.1. The church may call additional pastors from within the congregation only, whose relationship to the senior pastor as that of assistant.
6.4.2. An assistant shall be an elder and shall perform the duties of elder as described in 6.1.2-6.1.10.
6.4.3. His call shall be subject to the triennial affirmation and term limitation set out in 6.1.12.
6.4.4. He shall assist the senior pastor and associate(s) in the performance of their duties and any other duties as usually pertain to the office of pastor. The elders shall define the responsibilities of the assistant pastor(s).
6.4.5. The calling of an assistant pastor requires that the congregation has recognised and called him to the office of elder as expressed in 6.1.13-6.1.16. Such a man may then be called by the elders to serve as assistant pastor.
6.5. Pastoral Assistants
6.5.1. The elders may hire additional staff to assist with pastoral ministry, designated as Pastoral Assistants.
6.5.2. The elders shall assign the responsibilities of the pastoral assistant(s).
6.5.3. They shall serve for a term of one year, though that term may be extended with the approval of the elders.
6.6. Deacons and Deaconesses
6.6.1. The office of deacon is described in 1 Timothy 3:8-13 and Acts 6:1-7 and is held by men and women who are members of the church and who are recognised as possessing particular gifts of service, especially caring for the temporal needs of members, attending to the accommodations for public worship, leading hospitality ministries, and for serving in any other capacity as the church has need.
6.6.2. Deacons and Deaconesses shall receive, hold and disburse funds for benevolence, reporting to its use to the elders at their request, and reporting to the church its total receipts and total disbursements only.
6.6.3. Each diaconal position shall serve a particular need of the church, the number of which will vary as the church has need. Each diaconal position shall be created or dissolved upon the recommendation of the elders and the subsequent agreement of a majority of the members present and voting at any members’ meeting.
6.6.4. Members of the diaconate shall serve one term lasting a maximum of three years and may only be elected to another term after one year.
6.6.5. The diaconate shall not meet together regularly as a body.
6.6.6. The Council of Elders shall present to the church a list of nominees to the office of deacon at least four weeks prior to a regular members’ meeting. During this time the church shall consider whether the nominees are fit for office on the basis of the qualifications listed in 6.5.1.
6.6.7. Members may make recommendations for the office of deacon at any point for due consideration by the elders. The elders shall solicit recommendations at least once a year at a regular members’ meeting.
6.6.8. If any member has reason to believe a nominated candidate is unqualified for office, the member should express their concerns to the elders as far in advance as possible, who may on the basis of that advice remove names from the list of nominations. No name shall be added to the list of nominees that was not included on the original list.
6.6.9. When the period of four weeks has elapsed, the elders shall present the final nominees to the church at the regular members’ meeting. Any nominee having the approval of at least two thirds (67%) of the members present and voting shall be a deacon or deaconess.
6.6.10. A deacon or deaconess may be removed from office by a decision of the elders, or upon the recommendation of the elders and the subsequent agreement of a majority of the members present and voting on the question at any members’ meeting.
7. Administration
7.1. Secretary
7.1.1. The Secretary shall record the minutes of all members’ meetings and keep an accurate database of membership details.
7.1.2. The secretary shall be a member of the church who serves in this capacity for three years upon the recommendation of the elders and subsequent agreement of a majority of the members present and voting on the question at any members’ meeting.
7.1.3. The secretary may be removed from the role by a decision of the elders, or by a majority vote of the members present and voting on the question.
7.2. Treasurer
7.2.1. The treasurer shall ensure that all funds and securities of the church are properly secured in such a bank or financial institution as designated by the church. The treasurer shall also ensure that full and accurate receipts and disbursements are kept in books belonging to the church, and that adequate controls are implemented to guarantee that all funds belonging to the church are appropriately handled by any officer, employee or agent of the church.
7.2.2. The treasurer shall also be responsible to present to the elders at least once a year, or whenever they may require it, an account of all financial transactions and of the financial condition of the church. He or she shall also be required to present regular reports of account balances, revenues and expenses at regular church meetings.
7.2.3. The treasurer shall be a member of the church but shall not be an elder, staff member, nor deacon of finances.
7.2.4. The treasurer shall serve a renewable term of one year upon recommendation of the elders and subsequent majority agreement from members present and voting on the question at a members’ meeting.
7.2.5. The treasurer may be removed from the role by a decision of the elders, or by a majority vote of the members present and voting on the question.
8. Incorporation and Charity Status
8.1. ‘Foundation Church’ is a charitable company limited by guarantee (NI643495) and a charity registered with the Charities Commission NI (NIC106726).
9. Amendments
9.1. The Statement of Faith and Church Covenant may be amended by a three-quarters vote of the members present and voting at a members’ meeting, provided the amendment shall have been offered in writing at least four weeks prior to the meeting and announced at church services on two successive Sundays prior to such vote.
9.2. This constitution may be amended by two-thirds vote of the members present and voting at a members’ meeting, provided the amendment shall have been offered in writing at least four weeks prior to the meeting and announced at church services on two successive Sundays prior to such vote.