3 Ways the Gospel Comes to People

The gospel message is the same for all people – the message of God’s saving work through Jesus. But the way the gospel comes to a person can vary widely.

In this bible text we see the gospel taking root in three diverse people: a successful businesswoman, a military veteran-turned security contractor, and a demonically oppressed slave girl.

Each of these people needed the life-giving power of Jesus; yet how they received it depended on their circumstances.

We see in this sermon that there is no one-size-fits-all approach to the coming of the gospel. As a church, a community on mission, we must be aware of how the gospel comes, and be willing to minister the gospel to people as we find them.

Plus there is hope – if you feel like an outsider, a non-religious type, but find yourself hungering after more – Jesus meets you where you are and draws you to himself.


Acts 16:11-34


David Varney, Pastor Foundation Church Belfast


Every Sunday 10:30am – 2d Knockwood Crescent, Belfast, BT5 6GE

We are part of the Advance Movement of churches and the wider Newfrontiers family.