Generous Community

As we prepare for launch Sunday in our new building we are holding a special offering so we can complete our building renovation project.

In the build up to our special Gift Sunday we learn from the monumental offering at a key moment in Israel’s history.

Exodus 35-36 recalls the account of the people’s contribution to the building of the Tabernacle – the sacred meeting space where God would live among his people, and they could approach him in worship.

What inspired the people of Israel to give so sacrificially and lavishly to the mission of God? It was what God had already done for them, and what more he was going to do among them.

  • What should we give?
  • Who should give?
  • Why should we give?
  • How should we give?

How you can give


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Foundation Church Belfast

Every Sunday 10:30am – Knockwood Crescent, Belfast, BT5 6GE

We are part of the Advance Movement of churches and the wider Newfrontiers family.