How the Teaching of Jesus Locks and Unlocks the Kingdom of God

In order to understand Jesus on his own terms it is essential that we understand his teaching. As we have seen in the previous sermon in this series, Jesus’ signs and wonders are open to gross misrepresentation unless they are understood in union with his explanations.

And so in this familiar parable of the sower, Jesus demonstrates that his teaching is immediately accessible, and yet many fail to truly embrace the implications of what he claims.

Moreover, the teaching of Jesus acts as a key – opening the kingdom of God to some who hear, and yet closing the kingdom to others.

In this sermon we consider the various responses that hearers of Jesus’ teaching can make, culminating in the one who hears the message, accepts it, and bears astounding kingdom fruit.

Main Bible Text

Mark 4:1-20


David Varney, pastor Foundation Church Belfast

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