Jesus + Nothing = Everything

The gospel of Jesus had been making huge strides in its forward momentum.

But the brakes are jammed on as the church hits a theological controversy – What is the nature of the gospel? In other words, how is someone actually saved?

A group of Jewish Christians taught that outsiders had to accept Jewish religion first, in order to avail of salvation in Jesus. It may have sounded plausible, but this was a direct assault on the graciousness of the gospel – a person is saved by faith alone in Christ alone by grace alone.

Far from being a first-century AD problem, the same blockage to our understanding of the gospel plagues the contemporary churches. Even as evangelicals, we may unwittingly place barriers in front of people – hoops to jump through – before they come to Christ for salvation.

Hear why this is and how we may avoid these errors in this sermon.


Acts 15:1-21


David Varney, Pastor Foundation Church Belfast


Every Sunday 10:30am – 2d Knockwood Crescent, Belfast, BT5 6GE

We are part of the Advance Movement of churches and the wider Newfrontiers family.