The Kingdom of God advances by
Outsiders Coming In
Insiders Going Out
Both are powerfully depicted by Philip’s interaction with the Ethiopian Eunuch in Acts 8.
Acts 8:26-40
David Varney, Pastor Foundation Church Belfast
The gospel advances to all the ‘wrong’ places. Here we see the hated neighbours – the Samaritans – believing the message about Jesus in their hundreds.
Curiously, the Holy Spirit appears to be withheld from these new believers until the Apostles fr…
One of the most gifted leaders of the early church was cut off in his prime. Stephen was a man full of the Holy Spirit and was highly effective in the church.
But he was the object of sustained opposition from people who hated the message of Jesus….
Message from Phil Swinburn.
Acts 4:23-31
Every Sunday 10:30am – 2d Knockwood Crescent, Belfast, BT5 6GE
We are part of the Advance Movement of churches and the wider Newfrontiers family.
The early church had grown rapidly as the Word of God and the Spirit of God spread like fire.
Up to this point, the Apostles oversaw the distribution of funds to the poor in the church. But as the church grew, the Apostles found themselves spinning…
We hear teaching from an astonishing section of the history of the early church.
A husband and wife chose to conspire against the church and ultimately against God and end up dead as a result. Their sin? Using religion to make themselves influentia…
The Word of God and the Spirit of God drive the advance of the gospel through the people of God.
If we are to see great gospel advance in our day we must share the same conviction of the Word of God – the message about Jesus – that the early church…