How should we come to God in prayer? What should our attitude or stance be?
The Bible paints a stirring picture of prayer. In the New Testament we see five facets as we approach prayer:
Jesus teaches that to truly know God, it is essential that a person is born again. To a highly educated religious and political leader like Nicodemus, it was astonishing to hear that religious knowledge and practice…
Jamie Bambrick teaches on maintaining an eternal perspective.
Main Text
Matthew 6:19-24
Foundation Church Belfast
Every Sunday 10:30am – Belmont Tower, Belfast, BT4 3LS
We are part of the Advance Movement of churches and the wider Newfrontiers fa…
Sex is a gift from God that expresses and deepens the most profound human relationship – marking the spiritual union between a husband and wife.
Anything that weakens or undermines God’s design for sex threatens the integrity of marriage, and of the …