Why Follow Jesus?

What kind of person needs Jesus? Who should follow him? And how should someone go about that?

St. Mark describes a dinner party that Jesus was a guest of. He had recently met and called Levi to join his group of followers – a community Jesus was building to learn from him. A group that would one day take his message and his mighty works, and go and tell the world what he has done.

Levi was a tax collector. In that day it meant he was regarded as a scum-bag, a colluder with the Roman state, a traitor of his own people. Religious people despised him.

But Jesus saw something else. He saw someone who needed to know God, to know that he was forgiven. Levi needed to discover who Jesus is and what he can do.

So Levi, after encountering Jesus, invited all his friends and ‘associates’ round for a dinner party. His fellow tax collectors and other dubious contacts. However rather than resenting Jesus attending the party, they loved it!

At Foundation Church Belfast we are growing to become a community deeply shaped by the gospel of Jesus. We’d love you to join us on mission.

Bible Text

Mark 2:13-17


David Varney, pastor Foundation Church Belfast

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