
Frontline Church – Update

 by David Varney

An interview with John and Kristen Murphy from Frontline Church, Fayetteville, NC.
Frontline Church is part of the Advance Movement of Churches.

True Repentance

 by David Varney

John Murphy from Frontline Church in Fayetteville, North Carolina preaches from Psalm 51.
Frontline Church and Foundation Church Belfast are part of the Advance Movement of Churches: a global partnership of churches that exist to plant and strengthen chu…

Four Ways That God Works

 by David Varney

As we celebrate our fifth anniversary as Foundation Church Belfast, we reflect on how God has worked among us and humbly anticipate he will continue to do more in the years ahead.
When we look at the Bible, we see God interacting with his people along si…

United with Jesus: Baptism Sunday

 by David Varney

Baptism is a powerful moment that shapes and defines the Christian faith. At its heart, baptism points to the profound spiritual connection between Jesus and his people.
In baptism we see what happened to Jesus, happens to us. Through faith, a believer…