3 Features of an Outstanding Monarch

In this sermon we reflect on the life of Queen Elizabeth II who died on Thursday 8 September 2022, Britain’s longest-reigning monarch.

Throughout her life we have seen the Queen embody the Three Features of an Outsanding Monarch – one who:

1. Brings Unity

2. Shows Humility

3. Stirs Hope

The Queen modelled these features exceptionally well, yet even the greatest leaders in history are only able to have limited impact as their reign inevitably comes to an end.

However, central to the Christian faith of the Queen was her hope in a greater monarch than herself – one who has a far more profound and enduring impact.

St. Paul points us to Christ the King, the one who left the magnificence of heaven to come down to his people – becoming one of them – and then dying in their place. The consequences of his actions on their behalf are world-shaping, and inspire deep hope and profound unity among us.

Main Text

Philippians 2:1-11


David Varney, pastor Foundation Church Belfast

Foundation Church Belfast

We are a gospel-centred, Spirit-empowered community on mission. We meet every Sunday 10:30am Belmont Tower, Belfast, BT4 3FG.

Our vision is to catalyse the gospel transformation of our city and nation.

We are part of the Advance Movement of churches, partnering together in Ireland and across the globe to plant and strengthen churches: https://www.advancemovement.com/

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