
Heart Songs: Rest

 by David Varney

Rest is highly elucive for many people today.
This Heart Song from Psalm 4 is a cry for rest. The lyrics examine some of the root causes of a lack of rest before meditating on the actions of God that can lead us to profound rest.
The sermon ends on some …

Heart Songs: Justice

 by David Varney

When we see or experience injustice – whether personally or observe it elsewhere in the world – we naturally sense an inner anger towards it. We ask, ‘How can this be tolerated?’ ‘How can they get away with it?’ ‘Where is God in all this?’
In Psalm 10,…

Heart Songs: Revelation

 by David Varney

In this song we see the ways that God makes himself known to us. God beckons us to come to him and know him intimately. As such he points us to the heavens which continually celebrate the greatness of God.
Furthermore, God reveals his heart and his will …

Heart Songs: Intimacy

 by David Varney

Everyone longs for intimacy. To know and be known is part of what makes us human.
In this ancient Hebrew song we hear the yearning of the songwriter’s heart for God. As we examine the lyrics, we can see more of what intimacy with God looks like, and why …

The Joyful God and His Blessed People

 by David Varney

Message from Johnny Carson, pastor of The Way Church Ballyclare.
Main Text
Luke 10:21-24
Churches Partnering Together to Plant and Strengthen Churches
We are part of the Advance Movement of churches, partnering together in Ireland and across the glob…

Demons Flee in Jesus’ Name

 by David Varney

In this talk we tackle a challenging topic – the presence and reality of evil spiritual entities, namely demons. It’s a challenging topic, not because the Bible has nothing to say about it. Rather it’s a challenge because we don’t talk much about it in o…