
Overcoming Spiritual Darkness

We address the reality of spiritual evil in this sermon. It always seeks to obstruct the advance of the gospel.
In this episode, a magician of considerable spiritual power, tries to stop a key local civic leader from believing the gospel message of…

Foundation Church Belfast
Foundation Church Belfast
Overcoming Spiritual Darkness

Escape From Prison

Sermon from Matt Adams of Immanuel Church Millisle.
Acts 12:1-19
Every Sunday 10:30am – 2d Knockwood Crescent, Belfast, BT5 6GE
We are part of the Advance Movement of churches and the wider Newfrontiers family.

Foundation Church Belfast
Foundation Church Belfast
Escape From Prison

We Plant and Strengthen Churches

In the newly-formed church in Antioch, we see a gifted team being assembled by the Holy Spirit that plants and strengthens the church.
Unnamed evangelists bring the good news to Antioch; Barnabas brings apostolic exhortation and encouragement; Saul…

Foundation Church Belfast
Foundation Church Belfast
We Plant and Strengthen Churches

4 Vision-Shaping Values That Define Our Church

An officer of the Roman army converts to Christianity, signalling a paradigm shift in the advance of the gospel.
Why is it so significant? He and his family are the first Gentiles to be enveloped into the people of God called the church. The doors of…

Foundation Church Belfast
Foundation Church Belfast
4 Vision-Shaping Values That Define Our Church

Two Ways Jesus Advances the Church

How is it that someone so devoted to the destruction of Christianity can become one of it’s greatest heroes?
In the account of the conversion of the Apostle Paul (aka Saul) we see how such radical transformation is possible.
But beyond Paul’s ama…

Foundation Church Belfast
Foundation Church Belfast
Two Ways Jesus Advances the Church

Kingdom Advance: Outsiders In & Insiders Out

The Kingdom of God advances by 
Outsiders Coming In
Insiders Going Out
Both are powerfully depicted by Philip’s interaction with the Ethiopian Eunuch in Acts 8.
Acts 8:26-40
David Varney, Pastor Foundation Church Belfast

Foundation Church Belfast
Foundation Church Belfast
Kingdom Advance: Outsiders In & Insiders Out

Community on Mission: Radically Inclusive & Necessarily Exclusive

The gospel advances to all the ‘wrong’ places. Here we see the hated neighbours – the Samaritans – believing the message about Jesus in their hundreds.
Curiously, the Holy Spirit appears to be withheld from these new believers until the Apostles fr…

Foundation Church Belfast
Foundation Church Belfast
Community on Mission: Radically Inclusive & Necessarily Exclusive

Spirit-Empowered People

One of the most gifted leaders of the early church was cut off in his prime. Stephen was a man full of the Holy Spirit and was highly effective in the church.
But he was the object of sustained opposition from people who hated the message of Jesus….

Foundation Church Belfast
Foundation Church Belfast
Spirit-Empowered People

United with Christ – Baptism Sunday

Message from baptism Sunday showing how:
Baptism connects us with the past
Baptism orientates us with the future
Baptism gives hope for the present
Romans 6:1-11
David Varney, Pastor Foundation Church Belfast

Foundation Church Belfast
Foundation Church Belfast
United with Christ - Baptism Sunday

Partnering in Prayer on Mission

Message from Phil Swinburn.
Acts 4:23-31
Every Sunday 10:30am – 2d Knockwood Crescent, Belfast, BT5 6GE
We are part of the Advance Movement of churches and the wider Newfrontiers family.

Foundation Church Belfast
Foundation Church Belfast
Partnering in Prayer on Mission