
One Way Into the Kingdom of God

Message by Matt Adams from Immanuel Church Millisle.
Main Text
Matthew 7:13-20

Foundation Church Belfast
Foundation Church Belfast
One Way Into the Kingdom of God

Faith-Filled Prayer

In order to lay hold of the gifts and blessings that God gives his people, Jesus teaches we must ask, seek, and knock as we come to God in prayer.
In this message we consider:
The Stance of Faith-Filled Prayer
The Source of Faith-Filled Prayer
The …

Foundation Church Belfast
Foundation Church Belfast
Faith-Filled Prayer

The Power of the Gospel

Sermon by Tim Purdue from Ephesians 2:1-10.

Foundation Church Belfast
Foundation Church Belfast
The Power of the Gospel

Dealing with Worry

Glenn Wasson takes us through why and how we can trust God in place of our anxiety about the future.
Main Text
Matthew 6:25-34
Foundation Church Belfast
Every Sunday 10:30am – Belmont Tower, Belfast, BT4 3LS
We are part of the Advance Movement of…

Foundation Church Belfast
Foundation Church Belfast
Dealing with Worry

How to Speak the Truth in Love

David Varney teaches on Jesus’ words about judging others as part of our Life Together series.
Speaking the truth in love means:
Build Up Don’t Tear Down
Be Humble Before Helping
Dialogue with Discernment
Main Text
Matthew 7:1-6
David …

Foundation Church Belfast
Foundation Church Belfast
How to Speak the Truth in Love

Recession-Proof Faith

Jamie Bambrick teaches on maintaining an eternal perspective.
Main Text
Matthew 6:19-24
Foundation Church Belfast
Every Sunday 10:30am – Belmont Tower, Belfast, BT4 3LS
We are part of the Advance Movement of churches and the wider Newfrontiers fa…

Foundation Church Belfast
Foundation Church Belfast
Recession-Proof Faith

Spiritual Depression

Psalms 42 & 43 give us a vivid description of someone who is experiencing a profound darkness – Spiritual Depression.
In this message we consider the nature, causes, and cures for Spiritual Depression.
Main Text
Psalm 42-43
David Varne…

Foundation Church Belfast
Foundation Church Belfast
Spiritual Depression

Love Your Enemies

Neil Keenan teaches on one of Jesus’ most famous – and difficult – phrases: Love your enemies.
This teaching is part of our Life Together series through Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount.
Main Text
Matthew 5:38-48
Neil Keenan, member of Found…

Foundation Church Belfast
Foundation Church Belfast
Love Your Enemies

Community Defeater: Dysfunctional Sexuality

Sex is a gift from God that expresses and deepens the most profound human relationship – marking the spiritual union between a husband and wife.
Anything that weakens or undermines God’s design for sex threatens the integrity of marriage, and of the …

Foundation Church Belfast
Foundation Church Belfast
Community Defeater: Dysfunctional Sexuality

Community Defeaters: The Root and Fruit of Anger

Jesus deals with the problem of anger by pointing not only to the fruit of anger, but also the root.
Anger arises in the deepest part of us – the heart – and from there it takes hold, producing all kinds of destructive fruits.
Jesus gives us practica…

Foundation Church Belfast
Foundation Church Belfast
Community Defeaters: The Root and Fruit of Anger